Those who respond to the siren's call of social media and social advertising find themselves spending multiple hours every day locked into social media platforms. The question of whether this is a good thing is not something I will attempt to answer here, but what is inevitably happening is that those with a greater propensity for addictive behavior are being drawn into social media like never before. These peoples' lives are being inexorably changed simply due to the fact that social media is so amazingly persuasive habit-forming and can devour hours per day.
There are already distinct societal lines being created around those who are connected to social media and the those who either have not been introduced to it or who have purposefully turned away from it. Depending on the big-picture impact (positive or negative) of social media on society, we could see people with a predisposition for using/abusing social media change the daily structure of their lives in such a way that it could affect their social circles and even mating.
Is social media and advertising on the edge of influencing the foundations of society, and even the evolution of humanity?